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Westside Children's Ministry is an invitation for parents/adults to guide children into a life-changing relationship with Jesus.  We believe that the children of Westside are an integral part of the church family and acknowledge that we have opportunity to learn together.  We seek to support and equip families in their spiritual growth.

 There are specific age-targeted programs aimed at meeting particular needs of children:

Nursery is for new borns to 2 1/2 year olds during both services.


 Children ages 2 1/2 to 5 are invited into a learning atmosphere geared specifically for

them. Our desire is that at a young age kids come to know who Jesus is and

that they are loved by Him. 


Your Child’s Health

For the health of all the children in our ministry we ask that children with a runny nose, fresh cold, fever, rash, persistent cough, diarrhea or any other illness be kept at home until they are well.  Thank you in advance for helping us keep JAM a healthy place for all. 



We have a Safe Place Policy and all our teachers have been through a screening process and have had a criminal check done to provide a safe environment for your child. 

When you arrive in the hallway of the J.A.M. area you will find our registration team at the 3 different colored doors of our Sunday School class rooms.  Please check in to register your child and you will receive a number card to be returned at time of pick up of your child. The number also helps us in paging you during the service should your child need you.  A small electronic screen is located in the sanctuary in the southeast corner.  When registering your child for the first time please give information that will help in giving your child the best hour, such as allergies and special needs of your child.  



Snacks are provided for the children. It is very important to inform your child’s teacher of any allergies your child might have. 



We use curriculum from the reThink Group called First Look.  The theme and focus of our lessons are: God Made Me, God Loves Me, and Jesus Wants to Be My Forever Friend. 

The children have a 10-minute fun time in their class room to lead them into their Bible Story for that Sunday. Then the teacher will take them into our large group setting for a time of singing, prayer, and to hear the Bible story. The children then go back to their small group with their teacher for a snack, a craft project and a game or activity that reinforces what they have learned and allows them creatively express themselves. Our classroom environment emphasizes character development and spiritual growth to having Jesus as their forever friend. 


Saying Good-bye 

After you have completed the check-in process simply wave a quick good-bye and leave for the worship service in sanctuary. If you or your child is not comfortable with this, please feel free to stay with your child until you both feel comfortable to separate.

It is normal for little ones to cry when leaving a parent. This does not last long and separation becomes easier over time. Our teachers will immediately try to create interest in a toy or activity and give assurance that you will return after the service is completed. If your child cries for an extended period of time about 10 minutes we will page you.  The number on card that you were given at registration will appear on the black box in the front right side of the sanctuary. 


Pick–Up Procedures 

When you pick up your child, return to the door where your child was dropped off and return your number card as you pick up your child. Please make sure your child’s personal items have been returned to you before you leave the premises.  Lost and found items will be placed in the church Lost and Found box in the front entrance of the church.



Westside Community Church is a vibrant and growing church community in Morden, Manitoba. Our vision is to be a vibrant church that engages all generations to be rooted in scripture and empowered by the Holy Spirit to respond to our world with grace and love.


831 Thornhill Street

Morden, Manitoba

(204) 822-5172


Office Hours:

9:00am - 4:00pm

Monday - Friday

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